Privacy Policy

The website (“Website”) belongs to and is operated by the law firm COLETTA E RODRIGUES SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS (“Coletta Rodrigues”), a private legal entity organized as a general partnership, enrolled with the National Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Economy (CNPJ/ME) under No. 31.743.264/0001-69, with its principal place of business at Avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio n. 2504, Conjunto 71, Jardim Paulista, São Paulo/SP, CEP 01.402-000.


This Privacy Policy establishes the terms and conditions applicable to the use of our Website and services that will be provided by Coletta Rodrigues to its clients. Without prejudice to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, any person who uses the Website (“User”), as well as any interested person, may contact Coletta Rodrigues at, as per Federal Law 13,709/2018 (“General Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”).


This Privacy Policy establishes Coletta Rodrigues’ commitment to your privacy. It is crucial that you read and understand these rules, as well as other rules that may apply, including those deriving from Federal Law 8,078/1990 (“Consumer Protection Code”) and Federal Law 12,965/2014 (“Civil Rights Framework for the Internet”).


This Privacy Policy may be amended at any time. If the User does not agree with an amendment, we recommend they stop using the Website. If they do not stop using the Website, this Policy will be deemed tacitly accepted. The last version of this Privacy Policy will always be available at: We stress that these changes will apply to our services provided to the User as of the moment they become available on the Website.


Any person who uses our services, which includes the mere visit to our Website, undertakes to comply and agree with our Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy describes the Personal Data that is collected or generated (processed) when you browse the Website. Additionally, it explains how your Personal Data is used, shared, and protected, which options you have regarding your Personal Data, and how to contact us.

  • What personal data do we collect?
  • When do we collect your Personal Data?
  • Who is Responsible for processing your Personal Data?
  • Tools to manage the Personal Data we collect
  • Why and how do we use your Personal Data?
  • Sharing your Personal Data
  • Protection and management of your Personal Data
  • Rights related to your Personal Data 
  • Cookies e Pixel Tags
  • Data Policy for minors
  • Amendments to our Privacy Policy
  • Questions and Feedback

What personal data do we collect?


Our Website collects and uses certain pieces of Personal Data to enable the provision of services and improve user experience. Your Personal Data is used to achieve the purposes presented in the table below, with the respective legal grounds that authorize the processing:


Personal Data Purposes Legal Grounds
·  Individual Taxpayer’s Register (CPF)/National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ);

·  Full name;

·  Date of birth;

·  Email;

·  Cell phone used for calls and WhatsApp;

·  Check your identity;

·  Registration on services;

·  Identify and prevent eventual fraud;

·  Identify and prevent eventual security threats;

·         Compliance with legal obligation and consent;
·  IP;

·  Date and time of access;

·  Geolocation;

·  Information about your access device;

·  Cookies;

·  General browsability data;

·  Reference headings;

·  Data that identify your web browser;

·  Web beacons and tags;

·   Services customization and improvement based on your form of use;

·   Automated collection through the website or Applications to identify and prevent fraud and security threats;

·   Analytics – recognition of profiles and collective consumption habits of Service Users to generate statistical data for a better understanding of how Users interact with the Website and to improve marketing strategies.

·         Consent and Lawful Interest; and


When do we collect your Personal Data?


Your anonymized Personal Data (like cookies, general browsability data, and other data that do not allow the data subject to be identified) are automatically collected by your web browser and respective applications with this function enabled when the User accesses and browses the Website.


In turn, your Personal Data is only collected with your consent. Submitting your Personal Data is indispensable for Coletta Rodrigues to perform its obligations.


Making data available on the Internet always generates some insecurity. To solve this problem and protect your information, as will be detailed further on, we have a service to certify the digital security of our Website, ensuring that your Personal Data, including data classified as sensitive by the LGPD (for instance, health-related data), is never disclosed. This technology, through encryption, also prevents the information traffic from being accessed by third parties.

The Personal Data storage and protection system takes place through Coletta Rodrigues’ internal control system responsible for collecting the information the User sends through the Website, and this data is not to be shared with any third parties.

The User makes their data available to Coletta Rodrigues by registering on the Website, and the data collected is redirected to Coletta Rodrigues’ internal control system.

By registering on the Website, the User agrees with the processing of their Personal Data as per this Privacy Policy and regulations applicable to the case, including, but not limited to, the LGPD.

You may contact Coletta Rodrigues at any time at


Tools to manage the Personal Data we collect

On our Website, we also give immediate warning or request consent for certain practices.  We may ask for several forms of consent through banners on our Website or by using the standard permissions available on your device.

In several cases, your browser or mobile device platform will provide additional tools to allow you to control when your device collects or shares specific categories of personal data and for you to exercise the right to cancel or not share certain types of data with us.  For instance, your mobile device or browser may provide tools to allow you to manage the use of cookies or the sharing of location. We encourage you to get familiar with and use the tools available on your devices.

Why and how do we use your Personal Data?

To provide information about Coletta Rodrigues’ services and events, and for other promotional purposes. 

If you give consent, we will send marketing communications and news about Coletta Rodrigues available on our Website, as well as services, events, and other promotions.  You may choose to withdraw the consent at any time.

If you are a client who already contacted us through the Website, we may use your contact information to send marketing communications about similar services provided by Coletta Rodrigues whenever allowed by the applicable laws (unless you have already canceled them).

To operate, improve, and maintain our business and services

We use the Personal Data you provide to operate our business. We may use Personal Data about how you use our services to help improve your user experience, to help us diagnose technical and service issues, and to better manage our Website.

To protect the rights, property, or security of Colleta Rodrigues or third parties

We may also use Personal Data about how you use our Website to prevent or detect fraud, abuses, illegal use and to comply with court orders, government requests, or applicable legislation.


For general research and analysis purposes

We use data about how our visitors use the Website and services to understand the client’s behavior or preferences.

Other purposes 

We may also use your Personal Data in other ways, giving a specific warning upon collection and obtaining your consent, whenever necessary.

Legal Grounds 

In order to process your Personal Data, we rely on certain legal grounds depending on how you interact with our Website.

When you choose to receive informational communications, we use your consent to process your Personal Data and send news available on the Website. You may choose to withdraw the consent at any time.

Sharing your Personal Data 

Coletta Rodrigues shares your Personal Data with:

  • Third-party service providers that process the Personal Data on behalf of Coletta Rodrigues, for instance, hosting, managing, and providing our data, sending emails, research, analysis, and managing certain services and resources.  By using third-party service providers, we execute agreements that require them to implement proper technical and organizational measures to protect your Personal Data.
  • Other third parties, as necessary, to: (i) comply with a government request, court order, or the applicable legislation; (ii) prevent the unlawful use of our Website or violation of its Terms of Use and our policies; (iii) defend ourselves from third parties’ complaints; and (iv) help prevent or investigate fraud (such as forgery and system breach).
  • Any other third party, provided you have given express and unequivocal consent.

Protection and management of your Personal Data

Encryption and Security 

We use an array of sophisticated technical and organizational security measures, including encryption and authentication tools, to protect your Personal Data.

We apply strict technological and procedural controls on our Website to ensure the security and protection of all pieces of data collected and stored in our digital environment. In order to ensure the protection of your Personal Data and provide a safe service, we adopt information security practices, such as the authentication of Users, strict access control, encryption of data and content of transactions, prevention and detection of breaches and unauthorized access, prevention against information leaks, periodical tests and sweeps to detect vulnerabilities, protection against malware, traceability mechanisms, controls of access and computers network segmentation, data and information backups, among others.

In addition to the protection measures implemented by Coletta Rodrigues, you should also have safe behavior, identifying and preventing situations that may pose a threat to the security of your data and our services. If you identify or become aware of anything that may compromise the security of your data, it is vital that you contact

In situations where you use your Personal Data to sign-up or make transactions on third-party websites, the providers of such services are responsible for protecting and storing the data in these locations, and you must be mindful of the content of the privacy policies applicable to the use of said third-party websites or services.

International transfers of your Personal Data

The Personal Data we collect (or process) in the context of the Website will be stored in Brazil. It is possible that certain third parties with whom Coletta Rodrigues has a relationship or agreement regarding the processing of personal data are located in countries that are not the ones where the Personal Data was originally collected, i.e., out of Brazil. The laws of these countries may not provide the same level of data protection in contrast with the country where you initially provided your data. However, if the transfer of your Personal Data to recipients in other countries is necessary, we will protect this Personal Data as described herein and in compliance with the Applicable Privacy Laws.

We take measures to meet the legal requirements applicable to the transfer of Personal Data to recipients abroad that do not offer a suitable level of data protection. We implement several measures to ensure that your Personal Data transferred to these countries receive proper protection in accordance with the data protection standards, which includes the execution of suitable agreements to ensure Personal Data protection as per the Applicable Privacy Laws and to ensure that the recipient will adopt standards compatible with this Privacy Policy.

Storage of your Personal Data 

Your personal information will be stored for as long as necessary to meet the purposes set herein (unless a longer storage period is required by the applicable law). In general, it means that your Personal Data will be preserved for as long as the services are being provided.

How to take care of your Personal Data

We may send electronic messages demanding data, authentications, or confirmations through links, URLs, other websites, and files that can be run on your devices. If you have questions about the authenticity of a communication, contact us at Therefore, never share your data through unofficial channels. If you are browsing our Website on a shared device, remember to log out to prevent fraud.

Rights related to your Personal Data

You may always choose not to disclose your data to Coletta Rodrigues but bear in mind that certain pieces of data may be indispensable to allow you to register, access, and use the services and/or resources offered to you in connection with this Privacy Policy. Regardless, you will always have rights related to the privacy and protection of your Personal Data. Furthermore, Coletta Rodrigues cares about the security of your Personal Data and wants you to know and have access to all of your personal data rights.

Your rights related to the personal data collected on Coletta Rodrigues’ Website comply with the principles set by the LGPD: (i) privacy; (ii) informational self-determination; (iii) freedom of speech, information, communication, and opinion; (iv) inviolability of intimacy, honor, and image; (v) economic and technological development and innovation; (vi) free enterprise, free competition, and consumer protection; (vii) human rights, free development of the personality, dignity, and active citizenship of natural persons.

Thus, below is a summary of all the rights you have under Brazilian laws regarding data protection, namely:

  • Right to the confirmation of the existence of a processing activity;
  • Right to access your personal data collected;
  • Right to rectify the personal data collected;
  • Right to erasure or cancelation;
  • Right to object or to oppose processing;
  • Right to restrict the processing;
  • Right to review automated decisions made based on your data;
  • Right to the portability of personal data;
  • Right to withdraw consent for the processing of personal data;
  • Right to the anonymization or block of personal data;
  • Right to not give consent and to be informed about the related consequences; and
  • Right to file petitions with the Government and exercise rights and interests in Court.

Note that some of these rights still need to be detailed and regulated by the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) so they can be properly observed by Coletta Rodrigues.

If you wish to request a copy of your Personal Data or exercise any other right, contact

Cookies e Pixel Tags

We collect information from your browser, which may include Personal Data when you use the Website. We use several methods, such as cookies and pixel tags, to collect this information, which may include your (i) IP address; (ii) cookie unique identifier, cookie information, and information about whether your device has a software to access certain resources; (iii) unique identifier of the device and type of device; (iv) domain, type of browser, and language; (v) operational system and system settings; (vi) country and time zone; (vii) website visited before; (viii) information about your interaction with our Website, such as clicking behavior, purchases, and indicated preferences; (ix) access times and reference URL.

Third parties may also collect information on different websites through cookies, plug-ins, and widgets that are not the property of Coletta Rodrigues. These third parties collect data directly from your browser, and the processing of this data is subject to their own privacy policies, which must be confirmed and analyzed by the User on a case-by-case basis.

We use cookies and pixel tags to monitor the use of the Website and understand our clients’ preferences. This allows us to provide services to our clients and improve their online experience. We also use cookies and pixel tags to gather aggregated data on the website’s traffic and interaction, identify trends, and obtain statistics to improve the Website. Usually, three categories of cookies are used:

  • Functional: These cookies are required for the basic features of the website, and therefore, they are always enabled. This includes cookies that allow you to be reminded while exploring our Website in a single session or in every session if you request it.
  • Performance: These cookies allow us to improve our Website’s features by monitoring the use. In certain cases, these cookies improve the speed we can process your request and allow us to remember your Website preferences. Refusing these cookies may lead to poorly customized recommendations and slow performance of the Website.
  • Social Media: Social media cookies allow you to connect to your social media and share the content of our Website.

To obtain a comprehensive and updated summary of all third parties that access your browser (through the Website or otherwise), we recommend you install a plug-in on the browser specifically developed for this purpose.  You may also choose that your computer notifies you whenever a cookie is sent or to disable all cookies. You can do this in the browser settings in each browser and device you use. Since browsers are different, check the “Browser Help” menu to learn how to change your cookies correctly. If you disable the cookies, you may not have access to several resources that make our Website more efficient, and certain services may not work properly.

Data Policy for minors

The Website is not designed for minors (people under 18 years old). However, access to the Website is not forbidden for minors since there is no content restricted by age issues. Coletta Rodrigues’ Website forms and questionnaires are not designed to obtain data from minors. If this data is entered by minors, their legal representative may contact to rectify, modify, or erase this data at any time.


Amendments to our Privacy Policy 

The applicable law and our practices change over time. If we decide to update our Privacy Policy, the amendments will be published on our Website. If we substantially change the way we process your Personal Data, we will notify you in advance or, when required by law, we will request your consent before implementing these changes. We strongly advise you to read our Privacy Policy and keep yourself informed about our practices.  This Privacy Policy was last amended on August 11, 2022.

Questions and Feedback 

We would like to hear your questions, comments, and concerns about our Privacy Policy and Practices. If you want to give any type of feedback, have questions, or wish to exercise personal data-related rights, please contact

If you send us a privacy-related complaint, we will analyze it to solve the issue quickly and effectively. You may also submit a complaint to the respective supervising authority.